Running a successful small business takes the majority of your life’s precious resources of self, time, effort, energy, emotion, intellect, property, and people. The responsibility is great at the least and even more so when all your golden eggs come from this one goose. That’s why it is critical to have develop a relationship with a business consultant that has been where you’ve been and done what you’ve done.
Over my two score years owning or running a variety of small businesses (and a few large ones along the way), I have served many small business owners who have built their wealth over years of long hours and hard work. So, I’m well aware of the challenges small business owners face. That is why I take a multi-focal, integrated approach to advising my clients.
I work with my clients and their other various advisors — lawyers, accountants, insurance agents, and many other types of professionals. My goal is to coach my clients and complement both their and their advisors’ strengths and accommodate their and their advisors’ weaknesses. That way, I can help my client, the client’s business’s coach, drive his team to their collective success for my client’s business.
Whether you want to start, buy, run, grow, or sell your small business, I can help you take your good ideas and enhance them with our better plans to obtain for you the best results possible in your collection of facts and circumstances.
Consider the idea of teaming up with me.
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