If you ever want to be Great! in business, there are five things you will have to do. They are all hardly simple. They may at times be, in fact, simply hard. But if these five things were so easy that anyone can do them, then anyone could be Great! in business and you would have a lot more and a lot more threatening competition than you do.
What are these five must do’s you must do in order to be Great! in business? I’ll tell you. They are: Connect, Relate, Serve, Cha-ching!, and Repeat.
- First, you must connect with each person with whom you want to have a relationship. Whether those people are future team members you are trying to recruit for your cause or investors you are trying to recruit to fund your cause or prospects you are hoping to buy whatever cause it is you want to sell them, you must first connect with each and every one of them in such a way they want to join you, fund you, and buy from you. Connecting with these people is hardly simple and simply hard.
- Second, you must relate with each person with whom you connected. This, too, is hardly simple and simply hard.
- Third, you must serve each person with whom you developed a relationship. This, too, is hardly simple and simply hard.
- Fourth, you must hit the Cha-ching! of each person with whom you are lucky and skillful enough to serve, while hitting your own Cha-ching! And mutually Cha-ching!ing, too, is even more hardly simple and more simply hard.
- Fifth, and finally, you must repeat the entire loop with new prospects and continue repeating the relate-serve-Cha-ching! short loop with those with whom you were fortunate enough to share a Cha-ching!
What do I mean when I say these things are hardly simple and simply hard? I’ll tell you. They are pretty simple concepts, but they are pretty hard to pull off effectively, efficiently, persistently unless you work hard at them.
And that is what I can teach you to do. First, I can teach you what these five things are. Second, I can teach you how to do what, when, where, with whom, and, most importantly, why it is important to do all this in the first place.
That is, of course, if you want to learn these things and do these things and be Great! in Business.
If you want to be Great! in Business, then register to receive my blog posts via email and get a free copy of my lifechanging book, Great! All the Time! and then let’s Get To It, Now!
Post your answer to this question in a comment, or on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
In the meantime, you GOTTABGATT! so go out there today and be Great! All the time!
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