In a world where people suffer getting sued or having to sue others, they buy in to the popular myth lawyers are lower than pond scum and the law is always out to get them. Understanding what the law truly is and how you can exploit the law as an intellectual resource to achieve your own version of Greatness! is the key objective of mastering the legal facet of your life. And, being a lawyer with a tremendous amount of business and relationship experience, I can help you leverage your legal resources getting from where you find yourself to where you want to be.
By showing you all the trees in the legal forest and help you to fell, debark, trim, plank, and use each and every one of them to build your ark in life. Your boat to protect you from the flood you know is coming, to give you the best life in which to live during the flood, and the best place to from which to discover and inhabit the new world that comes from following the sunshine of Greatness!
I practice a specialty of law I call “Lifecycle Lawyering.” A Lifecycle Lawyer works somewhat like my wife, a family medicine doctor does. Your family physician is your major health advisor. She sees people regularly and tells them how to best improve and maintain their peak performance of health and wellness. She practices “Family medicine from the family perspective,” a tagline I used very effectively in marketing her practice from nothing to being three times bigger than most other solo practices in less than two years dealing with patients from “before the cradle to beyond the grave,” another mantra we used to explain our particular theory of medical practice.
I believe in the idea of Lifecycle Lawyering just as much as I believe everyone should see their family physician early and often in life to practice preventive health to keep illness at bay and to diagnose and treat unprevented disease as soon as possible after it pops up.
Every person, whether they are employed in someone else’s company or building their own enterprise, should find a legal advisor who can and will connect with him or her and relate with her or him and serve him or her by showing her or him how he or she can use the law to his or her best advantage so she or he can be Great! All the time! (Did I make that gender-neutral enough? Please pardon me if I just use one pronoun at a time in the future, mixing them up instead. )
Regardless of whether you are a woman or a man, regardless of whether you are employed by someone or want to employ your self and others to reach your Greatness!, I want to connect with you, relate with you, and serve you to get you from where you are to where you want to be and make you faster, tougher, and smarter than everyone else around you by seeing how the law can be used maximally for your benefit instead of someone else using the law to your detriment.
Investing your self, time, effort, energy, emotion, intellect, property, and people into learning about the law and how to exploit it will reap you tremendous return on investment time and time again.
Let’s get started.
In the meantime, you GOTTABGATT!, so go out there today and be Great! All the time!
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Disclaimer: This blog is for educational information only and is not intended to serve you instead of getting your own Lifecycle Lawyer to work with on a one-on-one basis. If you need help finding a good Lifecycle Lawyer, I can help you with that. But, unless you live or work in a state where I am presently licensed to practice law, I cannot be your lawyer. Nonetheless, I can be your legal educator. So let’s continue to connect, relate with, and serve each other to hit that SALE button on our cash registers of life and hear that sound of peaceful satisfaction, Cha-ching.