4 Major Life Facets that Need Your Great! Attention

Look from within your pyramid
Look from within your pyramid

We are all gems of one type or another. Well-polished gems get their highest value when their polishers pay close attention to the facets surrounding them. Which is exactly what we do when applying the P10 Principle to find Greatness!

What are your four major life facets?

Four major facets upon which you should focus to reach Greatness! are:

  • Your personal facet,
  • Your business facet,
  • Your legal facet, and
  • Your health facet.

Coincidentally, these are four facets of life in which I happen to have extensive education, training, and experience to share with you.

If you are reading my blog, then I assume the following about you:

  1. You are fairly well-educated;
  2. You are well-employed or own or want to own your own business;
  3. You have a life that can be optimized by attending to the personal, business, legal, and health issues that affect you; and
  4. You are looking for someone who both can and will help you become as Great! as you can.

I am that someone.

So, let’s get started on your path to Greatness!

As I’ve said in another post here on G!ATT!, “Your life is the sum of your relationships.” You have personal relationships, you have business relationships, you have legal relationships, and you have health relationships. Each of these sets of relationships is a major facet of your life. You have other types of relationships, but these are the four major types of relationships that comprise the four major facets of your life.

Imagine you and your life are a four-sided pyramid. (I know you have more facets than that, but these are the major ones,) You and your life have relationships on your personal side (God, self, family, friends), on your business side (owners, investors, bosses, employees, customers, vendors), on your legal side (spouses, employer-employees, customers, vendors, home sellers and buyers, and many more), and on your health side (your self, those for whom and to whom you are responsible healthwise, your doctors, etc.).

If you do not pay attention to these four facets as you live your life, one or more of them will start to decline and your pyramidal self will start to wobble and fall.

Paying attention to all four of these facets simultaneously takes all of the P’s of the P10 Principle.

  • Proaction,
  • Perception,
  • Planning,
  • Preparation,
  • Practice, and
  • Persistence,
  • Promote
  • Practically
  • Perfect

If you apply the P10 Principle simultaneously to your personal facet, your business facet, your legal facet, and you health facet, then you will reach Greatness! more easily than any other way.

And I can and will help you do that through this blog.

I hope you continue along this path to Greatness! with me.

Question: Which of these four facets do you believe is the most important in your life? Share your answer on FacebookTwitter, or LinkedIn.

In the meantime, you GOTTABGATT!, so go out there today and be Great! All the time!

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