Data Is Nonjudgmental

Have you ever stepped on the scale, seen you gained the same pound today you lost yesterday, and felt yourself an absolute failure? Yeah, me, too. Until a wise one taught me, “Your data is not judgmental of you because of the data and neither should you be judgmental of yourself because of your data. Just study your data, learn from it, and react to it appropriately.”

A reader asks, “What’s the benefit of micromanaging weight loss daily vs. the negative psychological effect of failing to drop weight for one or two days?”

First, I reject the premise of the question. There should be no psychological effect of failing to lose weight daily. The daily data is just data. We don’t judge actors based on data. We just analyze data and prior actions and other factors that caused the data to fluctuate as it did to discover the cause of the deviction from the expected result and correct our inputs in order to get better results going forward.

We use data such a daily weight to exercise CONTROL over our actions by Correcting Ourselves Nicely To Repair Ocassional Lapses.


Have you ever set a goal for yourself and then, when you hit hiccups along the way, just gave up instead of persevering? Yeah, me, too. Then I learned that maintaining FOCUS, Following One Course Until Success, and CONTROL, Correcting Oneself Nicely To Repair Occasional Lapses, requires work both before and after any journey begins.

This morning, my meal replacement bar 5-day weight loss shock plan delivered much smaller results than it did Monday and Tuesday. Sunday morning, I weighed 186. Monday morning, 180.7, which was a 5.3 pound loss. Tuesday, 178.4, which was a 2.3 pound loss. Today, 177.0, which was only a 1.4 pound loss.

Prior to learning how to focus, I would have gotten frustrated after the third day of decreasing losses. But now, I understand what is happening with my program and why and it doesn’t bother me. I prepared in advance for this decreasing weight loss as time runs on by learning how my body would react to decreasing my energy intake while significantly ramping up my physical training. Now that my gains, which are coincidentally actually losses, are decreasing each day, the ever-positive sum total of them is still recognized by me as progressing according to plan.

How did I arrange this? By perceiving my desired objective of practically perfect performance, by perceiving my present performance, and by perceiving what resources of self, time, effort, energy, emotion, intellect, property, and people I had to invest in moving from performing how I was to performing how I wanted to.

The most important part of FOCUSing was choosing a proper practically perfect performance goal (10 pounds of sustained weight loss obtained this week and maintained next week) instead of a ridiculous goal (losing 5 pounds a day for 5 days and keeping it off). The second most important part was to understand how the entire trip to success was going to proceed instead of just starting a course and winging it. The third most important part has been using my POWER by Proceeding Only With Every Resource I had available. The fourth most important part was using BALANCE by Building And Leveraging A Nicely Coordinated Ensemble of resources, which includes my wonderful accountability partner.

My partner, however, did not have as good a day as I did yesterday. He didn’t persistently trickle in his food bars yesterday because work got in his way and perceived he had some metabolic issue and then adulterated his food bar regimen by having a big steak last night to compensate somehow. But, to his credit, he exercised great CONTROL and didn’t beat himself up about it, but we talked about it today and he was already back on the food bar plan and continuing on with me despite a small weight gain because of last night’s steak. Even though he’s not being a big a purist about this course as I am, he is sticking with it in the main, correcting himself by agreeing to only having a small piece of salmon tonight, and, hopefully, he will have a better result tomorrow.

Come back tomorrow to see how things proceed.

4 Things To Make Yourself the Go-To Guy or Gal

We all want to be the “go to” guy or gal in life. The person other people go to for advice, assistance, or whatever else they desire. The person others trust, admire, and respect for our compassion, competence, confidence, and demeanor, regardless of what is being asked of us and regardless of whether we are acting as a family barrister or a family butler, which seem to be my two main roles in life.

People seem to want their doctors, lawyers, other advisors relatively well-aged, well-experienced, and well-regarded. So, if you are not old, haven’t practiced your profession for a score or more, and are not even known in your community, much less respected, what do you do to appear well done?

Many people tritely answer this quandary saying, “Well, you just have to fake until you make it.” This is neither, however, the well-aged, well-experienced, well-regarded, nor correct response.

If you want to be the “one” to whom others go, then you have to  Continue reading “4 Things To Make Yourself the Go-To Guy or Gal”

The 4 Factors of Greatness! – Part 4


In Part 3 of The 4 Factors of Greatness!, we discussed POWERing while FOCUSing and CONTROLing. In this Part 4, the last of this series on the 4 Factors of Greatness!, we will finish up by discussing BALANCE.

Continue reading “The 4 Factors of Greatness! – Part 4”

The 4 Factors of Greatness! – Part 3

ControlCONTROL is an acronym for the instruction to, “Critique oneself nicely to repair occasional lapses.” Moving toward Greatness! requires power and focus as you practice applying some of all the types of your life’s precious resources to a chosen task persistently. Quality control is important to promoting practically perfect performance. Nonetheless, the critique that follows any quality control data gathering, requires kindness in order to achieve that Greatness!

Continue reading “The 4 Factors of Greatness! – Part 3”

The 4 Factors of Greatness! Part 2

In Part 1 of The 4 Factors of Greatness, we talked about POWER, proceeding only with every resource. Now in Part 2, we are going learn how to FOCUS that POWER.

Continue reading “The 4 Factors of Greatness! Part 2”