5 Things You Must Do for Great! Financial Planning

Clients come into Susan’s and my medical and Lifecycle Law offices complaining they are stressed for a variety of reasons. Most of those reasons stem, however, in one way or another from money issues and usually they are not complaining they have too much of it. On the contrary, the majority of urgent medical and lifecycle legal stress-related issues usually involve a lack of money.

If you have decided you want to have more money than you need whenever you need it, then you have already taken the first step to being financially Great! All the time! You’ve already done the proaction step. Now, it’s time to do some Great! Financial Planning.

Promoting yourself from proaction to practically perfect performance in your financial facet only takes the following five steps:

Continue reading “5 Things You Must Do for Great! Financial Planning”

5 “Must Do’s” You Must Do To Be Great! in Business

If you ever want to be Great! in business, there are five things you will have to do. They are all hardly simple. They may at times be, in fact, simply hard. But if these five things were so easy that anyone can do them, then anyone could be Great! in business and you would have a lot more and a lot more threatening competition than you do.

What are these five must do’s you must do in order to be Great! in business? I’ll tell you. Continue reading “5 “Must Do’s” You Must Do To Be Great! in Business”