… and Move Your Fat Ass More

Have you ever heard the instruction,”And all you have to do is A and B, and then, you’ll get what you want” and thought, “Well, heck, anybody can do that,” and you start to knock the leather off the A ball, and while your smiling like a mule eating briars thinking about taking your lap around the bases and unexpectedly the pitcher knocks the snot out of you with the B ball? Yeah, me, too.

If you followed that introduction, then you’ll enjoy the rest of this post.

Continuing with the idea of Eat Less CRAPF (the P is silent and so is the processing) and Move Your Fat Ass More, we covered using meal replacement bars to eat less. Now, however, we need to discuss how eating less does very little good if you don’t move your fat ass more.

Growing, losing, or maintaining body weight is all a matter of energy intake and use balance. If you eat no more calories than you use, then, all other factors being equal, you will maintain your body weight. There are several factors that shift this input/output balance equation to one side or the other, but they are beyond our scope here and now. But one factor that we are concerned about is the factor that when you rob your body of energy input, it responds by slowing your metabolism to conserve energy.

So, if you only eat less CRAPF and don’t move more, you are not going to lose as much weight as you could if you moved more and you won’t be able to keep it off either. So, how much less should you eat and how much should you move?

The US government researchers say 55-60-year-old men who are not overweight should eat about 2,200 – 2,600 calories a day, depending on their level of activity and metabolism. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 8th Edition, December 2015. Available at: http://health.gov/dietaryguidelines/2015/guidelines/ (Accessed on April 25, 2016).

If you are overweight or obese, however, then you have to eat much less than this to lose weight. Why? Because a pound of human fat cells (adipocytes) store about 3,500 calories. So, to lose a pound of fat in a week, you have to have a 3,500 calorie energy debt that week. But, if you just starve yourself for 3,500 calories a week (500 calories a day), then your metabolism is going to slow to preserve your fat.

Therefore, to compensate, you have to get and keep your metabolism ramped up to have the maximum weight loss beneficial effect of eating less. For the past two days, while I have been dropping from 186 to 178.4 pounds by eating only 5 food bars containing 270 calories each totaling 1,350 calories, I’ve been doing an hour of intensive exercise first thing each morning and burning about 2,000 extra calories a day.

(This 2,000 calories of exercise is the figure that shows on the Free Motion Cross Trainer I’m using. I have no idea how accurate it is, but I am working up a maximum pulse rate of 150-160 beats per minute for most of the hour. My maximum training rate should only be 80% of (220 – my age of 57). 220-57 is 163 and 80% of 163 is 130.4. I hope I don’t kill myself trying to get that average healthy BMI of 25.)

Regardless of what the energy intake/use numbers are, eating the meal replacement bars and doing a maximum effort hour of exercise a day has helped me drop 4.1% of my high starting body weight in two days. It would not have happened just by eating the food bars without increasing my exercise. I know this from many cycles of gaining and losing these 30 extra pounds a few times over the past three years.

I’m not recommending anyone do exactly as I do. Talk to your own doctor first before making any sudden change to your eating, drinking, exercise, and other health issues.

Nonetheless, do not just eat less and expect to lose weight. You have to move more at the same time.

Check in next post to see if we have three good weight loss days in a row.

Finding Customers for Pennies on the Dollar Instead of a Dime

Picture of cornucopiaHave you ever thought it would be so great simply to pay one media outlet all your monthly branding, marketing, and advertising budget and be able to get all the leads you could service each month? Yeah, me, too. I’ve both had dreams and lived through nightmares like that. In a prior post, we saw how you could end up spending $2,500 a month for warm PPL (pay per lead) Internet leads and come up short hitting your $25,000 per month revenue goal. So, how can you get more business walking in your door for less, or, better still, almost nothing at all?

First, let’s review all the various ideas that may populate your BMA plan. We saw them a few posts ago. They are:

  • Advertising
  • Alumni programs
  • Attendance at industry, trade or professional association meetings
  • Blog
  • Charitable contributions
  • Client entertainment and gifts
  • Club dues and expenses (e.g., for whatever clubs allow interacting with targeted prospects)
  • Collateral materials
  • Continuing education seminars
  • CRM system or client database
  • Digital marketing
  • Directory listings
  • Events and seminars
  • Graphic design and branding costs
  • Internet directory referral fees
  • Mailings and communications (e.g., newsletters, invitations, announcements, alerts and holiday cards)
  • Marketing-related training
  • Market research and client surveys
  • Marketing staff professional development
  • Memberships in industry, trade or professional organizations
  • Networking activities (e.g., dues, membership, and travel)
  • Proposals and pitches
  • Public and media relations
  • Retreats
  • Social marketing
  • Tickets and sponsorships
  • Web site design and maintenance

Note that “Internet directory referral fees,” which are the”professional referral online marketing organization” (PROMO) services we’ve discussed paying $25 per lead, are almost in the middle of this alphabetical list. This is probably where such things belong in a living, successful BMA plan. There are a lot of things you must invest in before paying PROMO services and there are also still a lot of things you should invest in after resorting to PROMO services.

Here are some of the must do’s you must do before investing in PROMO referral services:

  • You must choose a “result-oriented” customer value proposition to serve as the anchor of your branding, marketing, and advertising plan.
  • You must create a good tagline.
  • You must create, print, and carry plenty of copies of a nice traditional size business card, a more memorable quarter-sheet “ten-second” service card, and a trifold “elevator speech” brochure.You must create and claim your Internet address.
  • You must invest resources in a good, in contradistinction to a “bad” or a “killer,” reader-device-responsive, website. We have talked and will continue to talk about what makes a website “good.”
  • You must claim and optimize your social media accounts, your industry web aggregators’ accounts, and local marketing aggregators’ directory identities.
  • You must relate (i.e. be social) with other people in as many social media spaces your time budget will allow and convince them to follow your blog.
  • You must blog with relevant content that is supplemented, persistently and consistently, at least weekly, but preferably more often.
  • You must create a valuable lead magnet to give prospects in return for them giving you their email address.
  • You must convince people viewing your site (for the first time, hopefully) to let you continue to send them your new blog posts every time you send one.
  • You must create and implement an e-mail drip marketing program including both content and a platform through which to send it.
  • You must invest in and use an effective and efficient customer relationship management program that ties your prospect management into your client management aspects.
  • You must network in person and by email with current clients.
  • You must network around “pools” of prospects and people who can refer you prospects.
  • You must create and implement a referral recognition and thank-you program including a shout out in your blog and at mailing them a handwritten note containing at least a $5 Starbucks card. The size of the gift is not nearly as important as the handwritten note and the fact you personally took the time to say thank you in a demonstrative way.

Contrary to conventional thinking that everyone searches for whatever they want on the Internet, word of mouth still generates a lot of business for small business owners. It also costs you pennies on the dollar vs. pay-per-click or pay-per-lead.

If you do all of these things effectively, efficiently, consistently, and persistently, then you may well escape the need for long-term dependence on PROMO leads.

Nonetheless, come back next post and we will take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of PROMO leads. Spoiler alert! One of my main complaints about PROMO leads and other PPL and PPC digital advertising is PROMO leads only work what little they do only as long as you continue paying the PROMO website owners to send them to you.

[reminder]What’s your experience with PROMO lead generators?[/reminder]


40 Years of Doing It, Doing It, Doing It

Running a successful small business takes the majority of your life’s precious resources of self, time, effort, energy, emotion, intellect, property, and people. The responsibility is great at the least and even more so when all your golden eggs come from this one goose. That’s why it is critical to have develop a relationship with a business consultant that has been where you’ve been and done what you’ve done.

Over my two score years owning or running a variety of small businesses (and a few large ones along the way), I have served many small business owners who have built their wealth over years of long hours and hard work. So, I’m well aware of the challenges small business owners face. That is why I take a multi-focal, integrated approach to advising my clients.

I work with my clients and their other various advisors — lawyers, accountants, insurance agents, and many other types of professionals. My goal is to coach my clients and  complement both their and their advisors’ strengths and accommodate their and their advisors’ weaknesses. That way, I can help my client, the client’s business’s coach, drive his team to their collective success for my client’s business.

Whether you want to start, buy, run, grow, or sell your small business, I can help you take your good ideas and enhance them with our better plans to obtain for you the best results possible in your collection of facts and circumstances.

Consider the idea of teaming up with me.

[reminder]How can I help you?[/reminder]

8 Ideas To Keep Your Team Strong and Stable

Build a good team from the ground up!Have you ever lost a valuable member of your team? We all have. And we all hate it.

If you want to keep your team strong and stable, then you have to study how others manage to be the best places to work and then become and stay one of those types of employers. The most important indicator of Great! teams is the level of strategic engagement between team leaders and the members of the teams they lead.
Top teams use massive amounts of strategic engagement to create and build on a culture of having loyal, talented, and enthusiastic players who want to stay on the team forever. They do this by: Continue reading “8 Ideas To Keep Your Team Strong and Stable”

5 Changeology Steps To Becoming Great! All the Time! – Part 4

book_imgPart II of Changeology works through the 5 Steps (Stages) of Change

Step 1 is Psych: Getting Ready. Motivation is important, but often overestimated. Change requires a balance of motivation and skills, with the accent on the skills part.

After you decide on your goals, the Psych Step contains four catalysts: Continue reading “5 Changeology Steps To Becoming Great! All the Time! – Part 4”

Perception – The Second P of the P10 Principle – Part 1

Perception is the collection, identification, organization, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the people, places, things, and ideas that comprise your life. Sensory perception involves signals in the nervous system that result from physical stimulation of the sense organs. For example, vision involves light striking the retinas of the eyes, smell is mediated by odor molecules, and hearing involves pressure waves. Perception comprises not merely the passive receipt of these signals, but perception also includes shaping those sensate receptions by learning, memory, and expectation.

Perception involves both “top-down” effects as well as the “bottom-up” process of processing sensory input. The “bottom-up” processing is basically low-level information that’s used to build up higher-level information (i.e. – shapes for object recognition). The “top-down” processing refers to a person’s concept and expectations (knowledge) that influence perception. Perception depends on complex functions of the nervous system, but subjectively seems mostly effortless because this processing happens outside our conscious awareness.

Three components comprise any perception: the perceiver, the target being perceived, and the situation in which the perception is occurring. Three factors can influence a perceiver’s perceptions as he or she becomes aware about something and comes to a final understanding of it. These three perceptional influences are experience, motivational state, and finally emotional state.

Ambiguity or lack of information about a target leads to a greater need for interpretation and additional perception. As one becomes more experienced at perceiving things, one becomes more adept at doing so and one also may react differently to any particular sensory perception. With experience, perceivers can learn to make finer perceptual distinctions, and learn new kinds of categorization. Experience of similar things tends to lead to “understanding” those things.

In different motivational or emotional states, the perceiver will react to or perceive something in different ways. The situation in which a target is being perceived also greatly influences perceptions because different situations may call for additional information about the target. Also in different situations a perceiver might employ a “perceptual defense” and tend to “see what he or she wants to see”.

So, what is the best emotional state in which you should begin perceiving your practically perfect performance of your life? The answer is you need to work from a purposeful perceptive state. You should intend to perceive your practically perfect performance of what you want your life to be with the purpose of changing from where you are and how you are living to where you want to be and how you want to live.

We will delve into the art of purposeful perception in Part 2 of this series of posts on Perception – The Second P of the P10 Principle.

[reminder preface=”In the meantime, remember, you GOTTABGATT!, so go out there today and be Great! All the time! Question: “]How often have you ever sat down, closed your eyes, and envisioned how your life would look if it was practically perfect?[/reminder]

Moderation in Almost All Vices

When it comes to healthy lifestyle choices, unlike many gurus out there, I almost never speak in absolutes. Absolutely forbidding yourself something, especially something that gives you pleasure on some level, does nothing but set you up for failure when your willpower fails you and you eat the forbidden food, drink the intoxicating beverage, or engage in illicit behavior.

If you want to succeed in rightsizing your body and keeping it that way, completely giving up something you enjoy eating or drinking is almost always a pathway to disappointment on many levels. Continue reading “Moderation in Almost All Vices”

4 Choices to Help You Rightsize Your Body

Many times in my life, I have let myself get out of control and put on more weight than I should carry.

When this happened, I’d usually blame my present circumstances instead of telling myself the truth, which is no thing and no one is more to blame for the size of my body than simply me. Each of us has the POWER, FOCUS, CONTROL, and MIND to drive our lifestyles and thrive all we want.
If you want to rightsize your body, then these four choices can help you build disease-resistant habits and better bodies, now and forever.

  1. Eat God’s good earth’s entire rainbow of whole fruits and vegetables. Choosing these will help us eat less CRAPF (the P is silent) — commercially refined and processed food.
  2. Drink smart. Choosing water over almost any other beverage helps flush our bodies of toxins with none of the damaging effects of sugary drinks. Juicing is the next best liquid alternative if you must have a flavored liquid, but not as good as eating whole foods.
  3. MIND what you eat. Choosing to manage what you eat, intend to eat only what you plan, note your plan and actual intake in a journal, and decide to improve almost every meal are essential to eating more for nutrifying your body than any salving emotional wounds.
  4. Move more. Working standing up at home and on the job and replacing all the seating in your video entertainment areas with cardio machines will lessen your likelihood of becoming a chair or couch potato.

Question: What’s the last thing you did to rightsize your body?

If you want to work with me to be Great! All the time!, then register to receive my blog posts via email and get a free copy of my lifechanging book, Great! All the Time! and then let’s Get To It, Now!

Post your answer to this question in a comment, or on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

In the meantime, you GOTTABGATT! so go out there today and be Great! All the time!

If you like this stuff, share it with your friends and family. Like me on Facebook, Tweet your Twitter followers to clue them in, Pin it. Whichever way you share, share it. I would be very grateful.

Also, feel free to send me your feedback in an email using this form:

Your Habits Really Affect Your Health

Yes, your habits very much affect your health. All of the major causes of death (such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease and injury) can be prevented in part by making healthy lifestyle choices.

If you smoke or use tobacco, then quit. Now!

Two of the most dangerous habits too many people have are smoking and using tobacco. Smoking causes over 400,000 deaths in the United States every year. More preventable illnesses (such as emphysema, mouth, throat and lung cancer, and heart disease) are caused by tobacco use than by anything else. The sooner you quit, the better.

If you drink much alcohol, then cut back.

Doctors currently recommend no more than 2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink a day for women. One drink is equal to 1 can of beer (12 ounces), a 4-ounce glass of wine or a jigger (1 ounce) of liquor.

Too much alcohol can damage the liver and contribute to some cancers, such as throat and liver cancer, and more immediate death and disease car wrecks, murders and suicides.

If you have bad eating habits, then at least eat less CRAPF (the P is silent) and then eat Great! food as much as possible.

CRAPF (the P is silent, much like the diseases eating too much CRAPF can cause) is commercially refined and processed food.Heart disease, certain cancers, stroke, diabetes and damage to your arteries rise and fall according to what you eat. Eating Great! eating less CRAPF has many health benefits. By making healthier food choices, you can also lower your cholesterol and lose weight.

If you’re overweight, then lose weight.

Most Americans are overweight. Carrying too much weight increases your risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, gallbladder disease and arthritis in the weight-bearing joints (such as the spine, hips or knees). A high-fiber, low-fat diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight and keep it off.

If you don’t move your “you know what” regularly for an hour a day, then you need move your “you know what” more.

Being as active as you can will help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression; not to mention it can also help prevent colon cancer, stroke and back injury. You’ll feel better and better if you exercise regularly. Try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week, but remember that any amount of exercise is better than none.

Avoid the sun and never, ever use tanning booths.

I had plenty of sun exposure until I was 54, then I developed squamous cell skin cancer right in the middle of my foreheard, which is one of the most common types of skin cancer in the United States. So, limit sun exposure and wear protective clothing and hats when you are outside. Sunscreen is also very important. It protects your skin and will help prevent skin cancer. Make sure you use sunscreen year round on exposed skin (such as your face and hands). Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least an SPF 15 and one that blocks both UVA and UVB light.

Practice safe sex.

The safest sex is between two consenting adults who are only having sex with each other and who don’t have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or share needles to inject drugs. If you are not being this exclusive, then at least use latex condoms and a spermicide (a product that kills sperm) gel or cream. Talk with your doctor about being tested yearly for STIs.

If you must get shot, let your shots be vacinnes.

Get a flu shot each year. Ask your doctor if you need other shots or vaccines. Adults need a tetanus-diphtheria booster every 10 years. Your doctor may substitute one Td booster with Tdap, which also protects you against pertussis (whooping cough). If you’re pregnant and have not had a Tdap shot before, you should be vaccinated during the third trimester of your pregnancy or late in the second trimester. Adults and teens who are in close contact with babies younger than 12 months and who have not received a Tdap shot before should get vaccinated as well.

Save the ta-tas.

Breast cancer is one of the most common causes of death for women. Between the ages of 50 and 74, women should have a mammogram every 1 to 2 years (depending on your doctor’s advice) to screen for breast cancer. Women who have risk factors for breast cancer, such as a family history of breast cancer, may need to have mammograms more often or start having them sooner.

Get regular Pap smears.

Unless your doctor suggests that you need one more often, you should have Pap smears:

  • At least every 3 years (some still say annually) beginning as soon as you begin being sexually active or reach 21 years of age and continuing until 65 years of age
  • If you are between 30 and 65 years of age and you want to have Pap smears less often, talk to your doctor about combining a Pap smear with human papillomavirus (HPV) testing every 5 years

Several factors put you at higher or lower risk for cervical cancer. Your doctor will consider these when recommending how often you should have a Pap smear.

Women older than 65 years of age, should talk with your doctor about how often you need a Pap smear. If you’ve been having Pap smears regularly and they’ve been normal, you may not need to keep having them.

If you’ve had a hysterectomy with removal of your cervix, talk with your doctor about how often you need a Pap smear.

Ask your doctor about other cancer screenings.

Adults should ask their doctor about being checked for colorectal cancer starting at age 50. Depending on your risk factors and family medical history, your doctor may want to check for other types of cancer.

Get a yearly physical.

Health screenings and afterthoughts during urgent-care visits are replacing the yearly physical. Rather and having the same tests others are getting, talk to your doctor at least once a year to figure out just which tests are right for you.

Make your insurance and other health benefits and preventive care services work for you.

Essential health benefits are a set of health care service categories that must be covered by certain plans.

If you buy a plan through a Health Insurance Marketplace, your insurance will cover the preventive services and at least 10 essential health benefits (EHBs) required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). All private health insurance plans offered in federally facilitated marketplaces will offer the following 10 essential health benefits:

  • Ambulatory patient services (outpatient care you get without being admitted to a hospital)
  • Emergency services
  • Hospitalization (such as surgery)
  • Maternity and newborn care (care before and after your baby is born)
  • Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment (this includes counseling and psychotherapy)
  • Prescription drugs
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices (services and devices to help people with injuries, disabilities, or chronic conditions gain or recover mental and physical skills)
  • Laboratory services
  • Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
  • Pediatric services

Regardless of what you are doing for your health now, do these things and then some.

If you want to work with me to be Great! All the time!, then register to receive my blog posts via email and get a free copy of my lifechanging book, Great! All the Time! and then let’s Get To It, Now!

Question: What’s the best thing you are doing for your health today?

Post your answer to this question in a comment, or on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

In the meantime, you GOTTABGATT! so go out there today and be Great! All the time!

If you like this stuff, share it with your friends and family. Like me on Facebook, Tweet your Twitter followers to clue them in, Pin it. Whichever way you share, share it. I would be very grateful.

Also, feel free to send me your feedback in an email using this form:


5 “Must Do’s” You Must Do To Be Great! in Business

If you ever want to be Great! in business, there are five things you will have to do. They are all hardly simple. They may at times be, in fact, simply hard. But if these five things were so easy that anyone can do them, then anyone could be Great! in business and you would have a lot more and a lot more threatening competition than you do.

What are these five must do’s you must do in order to be Great! in business? I’ll tell you. Continue reading “5 “Must Do’s” You Must Do To Be Great! in Business”