Religion plays a significant part in most people’s personal facets. Having practiced Judaism for all of my life, with my level of observance of God’s teachings in His Torah swinging back and forth several times in my 56 years, I have, since 1984 as our first of six children was born, been on a rising path of Torah observance. On October 20, 2015, I began an in-depth Torah learning program with the goal of achieving my first rabbinic ordination (smicha in Hebrew) by Rosh Hashanah in 2017. As my father Leo used to always quote my Grandma Rose, “It’s never too late to do good.” Continue reading “Judaism is a Source of Values That Drives My Greatness!”
5 “Must Do’s” You Must Do To Be Great! in Business
If you ever want to be Great! in business, there are five things you will have to do. They are all hardly simple. They may at times be, in fact, simply hard. But if these five things were so easy that anyone can do them, then anyone could be Great! in business and you would have a lot more and a lot more threatening competition than you do.
What are these five must do’s you must do in order to be Great! in business? I’ll tell you. Continue reading “5 “Must Do’s” You Must Do To Be Great! in Business”
Greatness! in Business
Most business blogs, including this one, cannot and, therefore, should not be taken as gospel by which to live. To do so is, as Richard D’Aveni, once a professor of strategic management of Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business, said, “to set yourself up for a fall.” Ten years after the 18 businesses qualified as “visionary” by Collins and Porras in Built to Last, half of them have seen big downs following their prior visionary years of ups.
Such blogs do, however, do one thing. They inspire people by showing examples, examples of people who have “done it;” whatever “it” is supposed to have been, or is supposed to be, or might at some time in the future be.
And, if they have done it, then you can do it too, right?
Well, not necessarily. Just because others have, in their circumstances, “done it,” does not necessarily mean you can do it in yours. Most of the visionary businesses listed in Built to Last, Good to Great, and others were huge and had been built up over scores of years from more humble beginnings. They were selected because they had become visionaries, had survived the pangs of middle age and shown they were (in their time, in their prime) great. Which “Greatness,” defined by Jim Collins in Good to Great consisted of financial performance several multiples better than market average over a sustained period of the then recent past. Money is, as they say, the way of keeping score.
You, on the other hand, are just starting out, not even sure exactly what your embryonic enterprise, being gestated in your parental womb of entrepreneurial potential, is or will be. But what you do know is, you are tired of being whatever it is you are tired of being and you want to start your own company and you want to be “Great!” in business. And, at the same time, you would like it very much if you could also perform financially several multiples better than market averages over a sustained period of the future.
And I know how you feel. I know how you feel, because many times in my life, I have felt the same way, but let me tell you what I found out. The vast majority of people, “nine nines out of a billion” as I call them, fail to achieve the Greatness! they deserve
Why do they fail? They fail because they define their greatness the wrong way. And while they may achieve what they think they want over the short term, sooner or later, they come to realize the greatness they thought they wanted, the greatness they thought they had, is gone, because they focused almost exclusively on what money they could take out of their enterprise instead of focusing on what life’s precious resources they could grow inside their company and how they could then use those resources to do great things for the other people, places, and things to whom and which and for whom and which they didn’t realize their values should have made them responsible.
And so, in response to my own personal failures, having realized this epiphany, I shifted, as instructed by Covey and others, my paradigm and changed my definition of greatness and came up with my own definition by which to measure myself against the world. A definition by which, regardless of whatever circumstances in which I found myself, I would be able to see myself as a successful person and a definition by which I could honestly and truly call myself “Great! All the time!”
So, before we start doing “whatever it takes!” to make you Great! in Business, let’s agree on our definition of what Greatness! is. Here’s my definition:
Greatness! — is a peaceful and satisfied state of mind resulting from using proaction, perception, planning, preparation, practice, and persistence to promote one’s values, vision, and mission into a practically perfect performance of a balanced creation, highest and best use, and recreation of life’s precious resources of self, time, effort, energy, emotion, intellect, property, and people to do the best thing in the present circumstances for the optimal balance of the highest priority and the most of those people, places, and things with whom and which one has relationships and to whom and which and for whom and which one’s values make one responsible.
Tell me, you and/or your present or future business doing or perceiving, planning, preparing, and practicing persistently to do this?
If so, how? If not, why not?
Post your answer to this question in a comment, or on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
In the meantime, you GOTTABGATT! so go out there today and be Great! All the time!
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The 4 Factors of Greatness! – Part 4
In Part 3 of The 4 Factors of Greatness!, we discussed POWERing while FOCUSing and CONTROLing. In this Part 4, the last of this series on the 4 Factors of Greatness!, we will finish up by discussing BALANCE.
The 4 Factors of Greatness! – Part 3
CONTROL is an acronym for the instruction to, “Critique oneself nicely to repair occasional lapses.” Moving toward Greatness! requires power and focus as you practice applying some of all the types of your life’s precious resources to a chosen task persistently. Quality control is important to promoting practically perfect performance. Nonetheless, the critique that follows any quality control data gathering, requires kindness in order to achieve that Greatness!
The 4 Factors of Greatness! Part 2
Your Health Facet
If you want to be Great! All the time!, then you have to take care of your self – body, mind, and spirit. Doing that takes at least some of all of your types of life’s precious resources.
In this section of the Great! All the Time! blog, we will enlighten you, enthuse you, and hopefully entertain you in a way that will help you constantly improve the health facet of your life.
Your Legal Facet
In a world where people suffer getting sued or having to sue others, they buy in to the popular myth lawyers are lower than pond scum and the law is always out to get them. Understanding what the law truly is and how you can exploit the law as an intellectual resource to achieve your own version of Greatness! is the key objective of mastering the legal facet of your life. And, being a lawyer with a tremendous amount of business and relationship experience, I can help you leverage your legal resources getting from where you find yourself to where you want to be.
How to Apply the P10 Principle to All the Facets of Your Life
If you are reading this section of Great! All the Time!, then I assume you are well-employed in either your own business or someone else’s business or want to get better employed in either your own business or someone else’s business. Most aspiring people fall into one of these four categories, but they still have what I call an unrequited desire for Greatness!
In a world where most people wake up each day wanting to do better and go to bed each night wondering why they did not do better that day, Continue reading “How to Apply the P10 Principle to All the Facets of Your Life”
Your Business Facet
Your business facet is one of the four most important facets of your life. While your business is very important (it’s what you do in order to pay for what you want to do), it is not more important than your personal relationships.
What do I mean by this? Continue reading “Your Business Facet”